Tuesday, April 28, 2009



To Reduce Spillage...

Add a target sticker inside urinals.

Apparently someones wife thought of this idea to put these target
stickers inside these urinals and so far it has reduced spillage by
quite a bit.

I'll post more about toilets later.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Japan Fact #2

The Japanese like to ephasize wich way an arrow is pointing.

They probably figure those Americans can't tell up from down.

Looking through photos

I've been looking through the photos in my iPod and I found this one I
got off of a website.

It makes me laugh every time, so it should for you.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

English Movies Japanese Names

You all should be familiar with the movie ratatouille. Clever name
because it is about a rat that can cook.

The kid who resides in the bed next to me has an expansive DVD
collection with him. The latest movie he has been watching is
Ratatouille, but I have a problem with the name. It is called "Remy no
Oishii Restorann" such means Remy's yummy resturant.


The Japanese can advance so much in technology but somehow cannot
think of a decent movie title.

I needed to get that off my chest.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Legal Jaywalking

Here in japan, as you may have seen in the movies, we have diagonal
crosswalks here. They basically work by making it so you can't cross
with the traffic, and when the traffic stops both ways, you can cross
in any direction.

This made me think.

Legallity takes all the fun out of jaywalking.

Better view


This is a car!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Puppy Jack

No new news coming from over here lately, so I'm gonna give you a
rundown of what has happened to me in the past 5 months since I have
stopped updating.

1. I had a surgery

2. It hurt

3. I had given up on the Canucks after sundin signed, but I have been
back since February.

4. I have graduated from junior high school here such was quite a big
ordeal for everyone here... (I'll post photos later)

5. Jack black looks like an angry puppy.